What is Arqami Service?

This service enables you to add one additional mobile number to your existing SIM card with your mobile line (Postpaid or Prepaid line) without purchasing another SIM card. This means you can send/receive calls/SMS with both numbers using one SIM and one phone.


How to register?

To subscribe send sub to 99966 and follow the instructions.

To unsubscribe: send unsub to 99966

International rates applied as per destination country/zone.




45fils per voice call unit & 20 fils per SMS



Service Activation

For outgoing calls, customers who subscribed to Arqami service shall call from the physical line using a prefix (77+ calling party number).

For incoming calls, customers who subscribed to the Arqami Service shall receive calls with indication prefix (77+calling party number)

For SMS send/receive shall be similar to calls scenario

Terms and Conditions




Subscribe Now

Add your additional mobile number to your existing SIM card now with Arqami without purchasing another SIM card.

Add your additional mobile number to your existing SIM card now with Arqami without purchasing another SIM card.

Send sub to 99966